1. Plans
  2. Registration
  3. Confirmation
  4. Thank You



First Name

Last Name

Store Name*


Address 1*

Address 2





Store Phone*

Business Contact Person's Name

Your Legal Business/Company Title

Your Date of Birth

Business/Entity Type

Business Proof

As seller i agree that I will verify and attest to the authenticity of goods on or in connection with which a registered mark is used.*

As a seller I agree not to use a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering of sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on sc platform and i as a seller consents to the jurisdiction of United States courts with respects to claims related to my seller’s participation on the platform.*

As a seller I am currently available for process in the United States, at any point that I become unavailable for process in the United States I will immediately inform shoppersclearance.com at email address: scaccountinfoupdate.com.*


Confirm Password*

* Agree  Terms & Conditions

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